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    Coldplay 結果共103筆

  • Coldplay帶新曲回歸! 克里斯馬汀曝《We Pray》創作靈感「來自台灣」

    2024/08/28 12:48
  • 火星人要來了!Bruno Mars宣布「9月高雄開唱」 這天開賣 

    火星人要來台了!既先前Coldplay酷玩樂團、BLACKPINK旋風席捲高雄後,以《Just the Way You Are》紅遍大街小巷的美國知名歌手Bruno Mars,今(21)日宣布將於9月8日在高雄國家體育場(世運主場館)舉辦演唱會!消息一出,不少粉絲驚呼「這一定要搶」。
    2024/06/21 11:43
  • 獲IU、Coldplay青睞!告五人出道7年紅翻天 角逐金曲35呼聲爆棚

    2024/05/10 10:53
  • 徐若瑄睡覺被偷看 下一秒帥兒竟做出「害羞舉動」

    全能才女徐若瑄(Vivian)發行全新專輯《先聽我說完》,並同步上架同名主打歌的MV,專輯上架當天,她來到Hit Fm聯播網作客好友魏如萱的《OH夜DJ》節目,她聊到之前帶兒子Dalton看Coldplay演唱會,有請打鼓跟鋼琴老師教Dalton演奏Coldplay的歌曲,也讓Dalton先熟悉Coldplay的歌曲。她跟Dalton提到她最喜歡的歌是〈Fix You〉,因為在她父親過世時,〈Fix You〉這首歌一直陪伴著她,也跟Dalton說明〈Fix You〉歌曲背後的意義,但Dalton聽完反應覺得還好,Dalton喜歡快歌。
    2024/04/21 12:55
  • 張惠妹、Coldplay都辦在高雄 盼大巨蛋回流「演唱會經濟」

    2024/03/11 23:03
  • 大咖都來過!高雄發展演唱會經濟 內行揭「4優勢」迅速到位

    2024/03/03 13:22
  • 菲總搭公務直升機看酷玩演唱會 挨轟濫用資源

    2024/01/22 14:34
  • 特權?菲總統爽搭公務直升機看Coldplay演唱會 民眾罵翻

    英國知名天團酷玩樂團(Coldplay)近日前往菲律賓首都馬尼拉舉行演唱會,就連菲國總統小馬可仕(Ferdinand Marcos Jr.)都與妻子前往觀賞。然而他卻搭乘總統公務直升機出入會場,避開堵塞的交通,引發輿論不滿。
    2024/01/21 15:19
  • Taiwan’s top 10 concerts of 2023 revealed by big data

    In 2023, Taiwan’s concert scene witnessed a multitude of chart-topping performances, captivating fans with spectacles from renowned artists. The KeyPo big-data engine used by DailyView analyzed online discussions to rank the top 10 concerts of the year. At number 10, rock band Power Station, featuring guests JJ Lin and Accusefive, received positive reviews for their world tour concert "Because of Love." Accusefive, the ninth most discussed band, also garnered favorable reviews for their world tour concerts in Taiwan. Veteran singer Rainie Yang, ranked eighth, touched the hearts of concertgoers at the Taipei Arena. Hebe Tien, in seventh place, returned to the Taipei Arena after three years, inviting guest artists Waa Wei, Deserts Chang, and actor Greg Hsu. Hong Kong superstar Eason Chan, placed at number six, conveyed deep philosophical messages in his concert "Fear and Dreams." Korean soloist Taeyeon, at number five, held a solo concert at the Taipei Arena, performing 24 songs consecutively. Taiwanese star A-Mei, in fourth place, performed in Kaohsiung for 10 consecutive days, earning applause from dedicated fans. British band Coldplay secured third place for their eco-friendly concert in Kaohsiung. Taiwanese band Mayday celebrated their 25th anniversary with surprises and engagement with fans, landing them in second place. However, the top concert of 2023 in Taiwan belonged to K-pop girl group BLACKPINK, whose "Born Pink" tour tickets sold out instantly in Kaohsiung, attracting nearly 90,000 fans. The analysis collected data from various digital platforms from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023, including Facebook, YouTube, news media, discussion boards, and blogs.
    2024/01/07 11:06
  • 一場接一場!2023轟動全台「10場」演唱會 她連飆24首歌

    Live演出因不完美而完美 2023年演唱會一場接一場,台、日、韓、歐美輪番上陣,讓歌迷們一解相思之苦,盡情享受於音樂的世界當中,Live的魅力來自於感受不同的編曲、沉浸在現場的氛圍,以及與歌手們深刻的情感交流,每一位歌手透過精采、動人的演出,不僅傳達對粉絲的愛,更將各種主題巧妙地呈現在音樂當中。
    2024/01/07 09:10
  • 趙少康爆泰勒斯「怕打仗」 基進:Coldplay、YOASOBI沒觀念?

    2024大選副總統候選人電視辯論會今(1)日落幕。國民黨副總統候選人趙少康在申論時簽字,辭去中廣董事長一職,並提到中廣曾邀美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)來台,對方卻因地緣政治、局勢緊張不敢來。對此,台灣基進不分區立委候選人史惟筑表示,昨晚台灣跨年晚會邀到眾多日、韓歌星,以及前陣子英、日樂團來台表演,「難道趙少康要說,這些國際巨星毫無憂患意識、對地緣政治毫無概念,才來台表演的嗎?」
    2024/01/01 22:29
  • Coldplay演唱會「提到台灣」 遭大陸歌迷抵制:這輩子都不看

    英國搖滾天團Coldplay(酷玩樂團) 於11月11、12日,一連兩天在高雄舉辦演唱會,演唱會吸引大批粉絲前來一睹偶像風采,場內外最高人數一度突破8萬人,人氣相當的驚人。對此,就有中國大陸歌迷發現,Coldplay在阿根廷站上,用英文字母A~Z的每一個代表國家表達祝福,卻落下了中國大陸和俄羅斯,甚至還個別提到「台灣」,令中國大陸的歌迷十分不滿。
    2023/12/28 20:30
  • 天團首選高雄真相曝!議員批:因免租金 市府:扶植文創

    2023/11/30 15:19
  • 吸引大咖關鍵?高雄演唱會「0收入」 市府:效益比抽成高

    2023/11/28 20:18
  • 王柏傑與女友謝欣穎飛日本放鬆 親曝婚事進度!鬆口1條件

    2023/11/20 16:36
  • 將「Coldplay假票」重複兜售 印尼女詐騙狂撈3千萬

    2023/11/19 12:22
  • 酷玩樂團雅加達開唱!反同團體封路示威 爆發警民衝突

    2023/11/15 22:59
  • Coldplay演唱會倡議永續 高雄國體場完美呼應

    2023/11/15 15:36
  • Coldplay私下不為人知一面曝光 台灣天團全說了

    告五人滿檔的工作邀約,世界各地展開搶人大戰,馬不停蹄再於11、12日一連2日擔任搖滾天團 Coldplay演唱會開場嘉賓,這也是繼年初擔任亞洲搖滾天團五月天演唱會嘉賓後,告五人時隔7個月再次踏上世運主場館舞台,與2場共10萬粉絲一起嗨爆現場,將現場氣氛炒熱到最高點,Coldplay主唱Chris Martin更連續兩天在演唱會上感謝告五人擔任開場嘉賓,歌迷大呼:「卯死了!」
    2023/11/15 14:38
  • 63歲鍾楚紅現身台灣追星!女神「絕美凍齡」近照超震撼

    2023/11/15 09:53
  • Coldplay飆髒話「Gun」是TRASH阿夜教的!私下互動曝

    2023/11/14 15:14
  • Missing signage and safety concerns raised at Taipei Dome

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an has called on the Farglory Group to address the lack of signage and safety concerns at the Taipei Dome stadium. The Dome is set to undergo a full-capacity test within a year. Democratic Progressive Party City Councilor Chen Yi-chun raised concerns about missing signage and the narrow underground parking lot, which lacks reflective warning signs. In response, Chiang stated that the city government would request immediate improvements from Farglory. Taipei City Councilors Lin Liang-jyun and Chien Shu-pei also questioned the venue’s ability to handle crowd dispersal and overall safety. Lin cited the recent crowd dispersal speed in Kaohsiung after a Coldplay concert and asked how long it would take to evacuate the expected 13,000 attendees at the Taipei Dome test event. Taipei MRT officials assured the council that they have experience with crowd dispersal during New Year’s Eve events and estimated that it could take approximately half an hour for visitors to evacuate.
    2023/11/13 18:57
  • Coldplay concert in Kaohsiung breaks attendance records

    Coldplay’s two-day concert at the Kaohsiung National Stadium has broken the audience record previously held by South Korean girl group BLACKPINK, drawing a record-breaking crowd. However, nearby residents complained on Facebook that their homes were shaking as if an earthquake was taking place due to the gig, sparking discussions online. The Sunday concert saw an attendance of 86,505 people, setting a new high for the stadium. Data from Kaohsiung Metro revealed that 32,000 people traveled to and from the concert at the R17 World Games station, while 11,800 people utilized shuttles to and from the Zuoying HSR Station, representing a 40% increase from the day before. Despite the large crowd, the city successfully evacuated the crowd in 88 minutes on Sunday. Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai personally oversaw the response center at the stadium and closely monitored the dispersal. To accommodate the increased demand, the Kaohsiung Metro increased service frequency. The Coldplay concert also proved successful in tourism, generating over NT$330 million in revenue.
    2023/11/13 18:19
  • 託酷玩開唱的福高雄發大財 吸金5.5億觀光財業者嗨翻

    2023/11/13 18:03
  • Coldplay道歉讓飯店房價變貴 演唱會湧8萬人超越BLACKPINK

    英國搖滾天團Coldplay上週末一連兩天在高雄舉行「星際漫遊Music Of The Spheres」世界巡迴演唱會,吸引近8.7萬人前往朝聖,人氣相當驚人。高人氣也導致當地飯店房價飆漲,主唱克里斯馬汀(Chris Martin)也跟上時事,公開道歉「我知道有些飯店,變貴很多。」,幽默反應笑翻全場。
    2023/11/13 15:46
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